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SEO Optimized Sitemap


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Example Input

"Online for high quality Yoga mats"

Example Output

SEO Sitemap for Yoga Mat Online Store

Hierarchical Layout

  • Home

  • About Us

  • Shop

  • Yoga Mats

    • Product Description

  • Accessories

    • Product Description

  • Blog

    • Single Post

  • Contact Us

  • Privacy Policy (No-Index)

  • Cookies Policy (No-Index)

  • Admin Page (No-Index)

Navigation Paths

Most visitors are likely to find themselves on the Home page. From there:

- They can navigate to our About Us page to learn more about our brand and foundational values.

- Our Shop has two major sections: Yoga Mats and Accessories. Under each, a visitor can land on a Product Description page where detailed information is provided about each product along with CTA (call-to-action) buttons leading to the purchase.

- For educational and enriching content, users can visit our Blog and dive into individual blog posts.

- The Contact Us page allows potential customers to either submit a query or feedback.

- Policies are located separately and will not appear in external search engine results due to their no-index status.

For Admin users they have a separate entry point than regular visitors, which is also set to no-index.

Page Priority

"Yoga Mats" and "Accessories" under the "Shop" section have the highest SEO priority as these are the areas where potential customers make purchases. The "Contact Us" page is also important as it can lead to meaningful user-business interactions and potential lead conversions.

URL Structure

To maintain SEO benefits, a structured yet simple URL architecture is implemented:



It's straightforward, directly indicating hierarchy and content of the page.

Cross Linking

Cross-linking is integrated in the blog posts to directly take visitors to specific product pages. Also, linking related products within product description pages can enhance SEO and user experience.

SEO Sitemap Criteria Rationale

The sitemap establishes a clear hierarchy with the "Shop" section prioritized. It allows quick navigation to our core offerings (product pages), contributing to positive user experience. Page prioritization aligns towards the revenue generating pages and potential user-business interaction spaces.

Search engines won’t index policy pages and the admin page due to no-index setting, which is intentional to ensure privacy and security. Canonical tags will be employed on product pages to prevent duplicate content issues.

This structure maintains a balanced approach in terms of depth and breadth. Depth ensures any page is within 3 clicks from the home page and breadth by not overwhelming users with too many options at each level.

Additionally, this sitemap should be encoded as an XML sitemap, enabling search engines to efficiently index our site.

Sitemap Format

The sitemap is defined as a structured flowchart leveraging various symbols to articulate the hierarchy: Rectangles signify pages, Circles for dynamic content like blogs or user-comments, and Diamond shapes are used for decision points between different user paths or interactions - like a purchase choice. Canonical tag use is highlighted as well(cos)

The divulged strategy revolves around maximising 'ease of navigation' for users while ensuring vital, SEO-boosting technical aspects for an online e-commerce store are implemented underneath. This balance promises a versatile, agile user experience with robust SEO strength.